Key Specifications:
- Maturity: PR-128 matures in a relatively short duration, taking approximately 111 days after transplanting. This early maturity can be beneficial for farmers by allowing for double cropping or earlier harvesting.
- Yield Potential: PR-128 boasts a good yield potential, with reports indicating it can produce up to 30.5 quintals per acre (or roughly 76.25 quintals per hectare) under ideal conditions.
- Plant Height: PR-128 is a medium-tall variety with an average plant height of around 110 cm.
- Disease Resistance: A significant advantage of PR-128 is its complete resistance to all ten prevalent pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen in the Punjab region. This resistance helps minimize disease infestation and potential yield losses.
- Grain Quality: PR-128 possesses long, slender, and clear translucent grains, which are often preferred characteristics in the market.
Additional Points:
- PR-128 is a popular choice for farmers due to its combination of early maturity, good yield potential, disease resistance, and desirable grain quality.
- Specific information on water requirements for PR-128 might be necessary for your location. Consulting local agricultural experts is recommended.
- Local agricultural extension services or research institutions can provide the most up-to-date recommendations on sowing practices (seed rate, nursery management), transplanting time, fertilizer requirements, and best agronomic practices for PR-128 in your specific area.
Overall, PR-128 appears to be a valuable option for paddy farmers in India seeking a high-yielding, early maturing variety with excellent disease resistance and good grain quality. Its suitability for double cropping and potentially lower disease management costs can benefit farmers. Consulting local agricultural experts for the latest information and water requirement specifics is always recommended for informed decision making.
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